Thursday, May 6, 2010

Feel the Joy!

Hey guys..

There are loads in life which we all are missing.. We feel working then some browsing and doing some personal stuff is all what is there in life to enjoy! but i bet you all that there is so much more than that what we can do with this life of ours which god has given to us as a boon.. indeed it is really a boon for all of us.. So lets not waste anymore time and kick start living our life the best way we can!

K dont worry i shall start off with this! For an example I know all of us are pressurised due to work some of us due to our PL's some due to onsite and so on.. But believe me we can come out of this stress very easily...

Remember the secret mantra of all is Happiness and smile! If both are there around u then everything is fine and believe me we can create this not anyone else.. One secret mantra is that work alone is not life there is hell a lot of things outside.. Come outside and face the world of ours!

I am starting a Sports Club along with some volunteers here in RTSC (TCS Karapakkam) anyone interested can join us here.. This will not only relieve stress out of u but wil also give u all a confidence and determination in life! Sports can do a lot more in everyone's life!

Also there are Music clubs, Toastmasters and a lot more here at TCS.. So come in and relish urself instead of just sitting at office and doing the same bugging stuff again and again!

1 comment:

  1. hey anu!!
    superb dii!!! I never knew you blogged maami!! I have always had the same feeling and wanted to do something about it, but never found the time! great going maami....nee sports club open panna, I will be the first person to join d..! and regarding the rest off your blogs, they are cool...keep up the gud work chum!:)luv u!:)
